1. Do I have to provide my own hair?


No, the DollHouse provides the bundles to make our Wig Units. Barbie’s have the option to provide their own bundles as well. 


2. What is the turn around time?


Your unit will be completed and shipped within 14 business days of your hair being received (if you provide your own bundles) and if BabyDDollHouse provides the hair.




If you are providing your own hair, Barbies book their unit service on the "Provide your own Hair" page. After this purchase is made, Barbies receive a link with a mailing address and next steps. You will receive a confirmation email confirming the unit order.


4. Will my closure or frontal be customized?


Yes! All closures and frontals are plucked, bleached, etc.


5. How do I know which address to send to?


After you confirm your unit order, you will be provided an address to send your bundles.


6. Can BabyDDollHouse provide the hair?





7.How can I contact BabyDDollHouse ?


On the home page, scroll down and you should see a contact box .


9. What is the return and refund policy?


BabyDDollHouse does not accept returns due Health Hazard Concerns. ALL SALES ARE FINAL !!Refunds are given on a case by case basis handled directly by the Owner.


10. How should I maintain my hair?


You can condition your wig unit as much as you feel. Do not pack your wig unit with a product. Avoid using the towel drying method for wig units, t-shirts help restore patterns. Air drying is also a plus. Only comb through curly units when wet.